

個人看完BRIT Awards的一點感想。


“Ah. That Rock n’ Roll, eh? That Rock n’ Roll, it just won’t go away.
It might hibernate from time to time, and sink back into the swamp. I think the cyclical nature of the universe in which it exists demands it adheres to some of its rules. But it’s always waiting there, just around the corner, ready to make its way back through the sludge. And smash through the glass ceiling, lookin’ better than ever. 
Yeah, that Rock n’ Roll. It seems like it’s fading away sometimes, but it will never die. And there’s nothing you can do about it.
Thank you very fu- much for this. I do truly appreciate it. Don’t take that the wrong way. And, eh… yeah… 
Invoice me for the microphone if ya need to. *drops the mic*”



也不是第一次聽到這種口號。Nick Valensi說過類似的話,不過我認為無傷大雅(這是私心吧);而最常把搖滾不死掛在嘴邊的就是五月天,同身為搖滾不死代言人,我想不妨Alex跟陳信宏交流一下。

對不起,我對這兩分鐘的感言認真了。說不清為何這席話讓我如此反感,可能我真的太愛太愛他們了吧,愛到承受不起他說出這種傻話。或許Alex下次該解釋搖滾樂是何時誕生的。Im so done.
